George And Mildred – The Movie

George And Mildred – The Movie – 1980

Of all the classic sitcoms that made it to the big screen George and Mildred unfortunately did not fare well.

Slated by the critics and not producing the box office returns you might expect from a film of one TV’s most popular sitcoms.  It is perhaps best remembered for the tragic news that surrounded it.  Before the film was ever released star Yootha Joyce died from chronic alcohol poisoning.

Brian Murphy later revealed that after the film there were plans for one last series of George and Mildred, sadly it never came to be.


Mildred decides that she and George will celebrate their wedding anniversary in style at a swanky London hotel – however unhappy George might be at the cost involved. “I’m a traffic warden, not Aristotle Onassis”, he tells her.

On arrival, George is taken for a ruthless hit-man by a shady businessman (Stratford Johns), who wants a rival eliminated.
Mildred meanwhile remains in blissful ignorance throughout the resulting chaos.












Yootha Joyce
Brian Murphy
Stratford Johns
Norman Eshley
Sheila Fearn
Kenneth Cope
David Barry


Written By: Dick Sharples
Produced By: Roy Skeggs
Directed By: Peter Frazer Jones
Original Release Date: 1980